Friday 29 January 2016

Madrid clubs have transfer bans pushed back pending appeals

Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid each separately announced Friday that their transfer bans had been temporarily lifted pending the outcome of their appeal.

Each club had received a transfer registration ban handed down by FIFA for improper signing and treatment of youth players, but with both teams on appeal, they are at the moment eligible to sign players this upcoming summer. Before the announcement, neither team was allowed to register new players during the summer transfer window plus the January 2017 window.

The clubs are following the same path that Barcelona did back in 2014. The club received a similar ban for a similar violation, but upon appeal the club was able to delay the punishment long enough to sign six players, including Luis Suarez, in the summer of 2014.
However, not all is set in stone. If their appeals are rejected before the summer transfer window opens, the punishment will hold firm for that window. The Press Association is reporting that the appeal will be heard before the summer.

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